It all started with Texas Pete®

My name is Erik Kirschling. I am 30 years old and live in Cary North Carolina. I bought my first home I in January of 2018 and it came with a third of an acre of lush back yard. I’ve always loved gardening and growing my own herbs and vegetables. But my true passion was hot peppers!

It all started with Texas Pete’s pepper sauce. The seemingly coy bright green bottle of Tabasco peppers in vinegar was (and still is) one of my favorite condiments. The problem was, I would go through a bottle in a couple days. So I wrote them an email asking if they had a larger size, or bulk options. I was sorely remised to find out they did not. So I set out to make my own!

With my new backyard just waiting to be populated with the tiny hell spawns knows as the Tabasco pepper, I began my quest. Not only did I succeed, but I came up with a better version. Ratshit was awoken!