Little Richard controlling lightning

Would You Like to Know EXACTLY What the Weather is Doing in Cary, NC?

You know what is truly RatShit Crazy? The weather in North Carolina… It’s sorta epic, like this random photo that I photoshopped together.

This is how I feel when the weather gets crazy in NC

It’s a classic Carolina afternoon. You know, hot, muggy, oppressive. How hot is it? Then, out of nowhere, wildly strong gusts of wind start blowing your deck furniture over. I wonder how strong the wind is right now? Then BOOM, a clap of thunder right before BUCKETS of rain start pouring from the sky. How much rain is falling per hour? Then it is done in 5 minutes and now it is like a sauna outside. I wonder what the relative humidity is right now?

If you live anywhere in or near Central or Western Cary, then you can now access live weather data! Plus, the data is archived so you can settle that argument about how much rain we got last week. Or yesterday. Anytime, any place (with an internet connection). You can do it all right here, at! Check it out below!

Powered by Ambient Weather

Or, if you are like me and kinda hate this embedded stuff on websites, you can just head over to the primary page for the data above, using the link below!

Click here for the sum total of Max’s Weather Data